Sperling 2007 - Esaurito

No .. just do not have a mental illness to feel good mentally. Similarly to what is well accepted when it speaks of the body, namely, that in the absence of a disease can be fit or not and that the state of a person's shape can be crucial to avoid the development of medical illnesses, even where the 'genetically predisposed individual is born, a similar argument can and should be done with regard to mental health. We can be in the form or not, we can have a good or bad PSYCHOFITNESS and this aspect will be crucial not only to give an adequate state of well-being in mind and body, but especially to guarantee us the right to fight for the conquest of happiness, such as Declaration of Independence of the United States of America July 4, 1776 teaches us. Happiness is a long and difficult road staff as we are taught Mitch Albom in his wonderful book "My Tuesday with the professor." Mitch and Morrie, his old master, in a simple and direct reach the center of our heart and our soul's reflecting on some errors, not to mention the evils of the (non-) modern life inevitably leading us to reflect on ourselves and on the value immense life. A course, as the author explains, the "meaning of life" .. "Most of us go around like sleepwalkers. Did not experience the world fully because we are half asleep, intent on doing things that we should do automatically. "
. "See, wherever you live, the worst problem of human beings is myopia. Did not see what we could be." Here are some brief excerpts from this story poignant and wise, filled with messages that encourage us to open our eyes and become increasingly aware that the well-being of your mind depends primarily on you and the decisions you make to yourself. What you eat, how you relate to others, how you handle stress, how you spend your free time and so on are behaviors that you can control and the way you control them will determine your PSYCHOFITNESS.
The pursuit of health is an ongoing process and well-being must be conquered every day and is the continuous encounter with ourselves and with those around us that can guide us on the right track ...