The facts of my career are the best proof that I am one of the leading international experts in the mental health field of anxiety, panic and obsessive-compulsive disorders: I have vast clinical experience: I have been treating patients with anxiety, panic and obsessive-compulsive disorders in prestigious institutions for over thirty years: for over twenty years at San Raffaele in Milan, where I was head of the Anxiety Disorders Center; for 15 years at Villa San Benedetto Menni in Albese con Cassano (Como) of the Hospital Sister ...


Chairman of the Department of Clinical Neuroscience
As of June 1, 2013, Giampaolo Perna took over the direction of the Department of Clinical Neurosciences of Villa San Benedetto Menni (which includes the European Center for Anxiety  and Emotional Disorders in Milan) having as main objective the clinical-scientific development of the department  ...
Professor of Psychiatry, Humanitas University
Giampaolo Perna has been appointed as Professor of Psychiatry and  Academic Coordinator of the Mental Health Area of the International Medical School for the degree courses in Medicine & Surgery, Physiotherapy & Nursing for the Humanitas University ...
National Congress of Hermanas Hospitalarias in Milan: Personalized Medicine in Psychiatry
27th of October 2017 will be held in Milan the National Congress of Hermanas Hospitalarias in Milan entitled Personalized Medicine in Psychiatry with the participation of well known psychiatrists such as Thomas Schlaepfer, Laura Bellodi, Claudio Mencacci, Alessandro Serretti, Massimo Clerici, Giuseppe Bersani and Alessandro Serretti. The location w ...


Personalized Medicine in Psychiatry
Giampaolo Perna is the Co-Editor in Chief, together with Prof. Charles Nemeroff, Chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences of the ...
Little and Big Fears
Fear is our friend. It is a wake-up call that helps us react to potential dangers, activating the body and mind to process the resources necessary to ...
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: the Impact of cognitive deficits on  social and working aims: a preliminary study.
Authors: Giampaolo Perna, Paolo Cavedini, Silvia Daccò, Valentino Di Chiaro, Giuliana Salomoni, Daniela Caldirola . For : 18th Congress of the ...



According to the ranking of the rating agency Expertscape, Giampaolo Perna ranks 1st among the experts for panic disorder in Italy and Europe and among the first three Worldwide. In the context of the entire category of anxiety disorders he rank first among the greatest Italian experts. (2017-2022) Expertscape is a rating agency whose rating is based on an objective calculation (ie not manipulated) that is based on scientific publications of the last decade assessing the quality of the journal, the position as an author in the article, the fact that it ...

Being & Wellbeing / Heart and Money

Being & Wellbeing conducted by Nicoletta Carbone and Heart and Money conducted by Nicoletta Carbone & Debora Rosciani A collaboration that began almost 7 years ago with more than 70 episodes during which with lightness and skills have been addressed many issues related to mental health. More than in a recording studio, I seem to be in a comfortable seating area in the middle of friends ...  ...


The Medical Doctor, before being a man of science and knowledge, must be driven by a passion for the man and the willingness to live the care of people who suffer as a mission. It is not always easy, but being always available to those who are suffering and seeking help is critical, even more when the suffering is mental, without visible physical wounds, but often much more severe, debilitating and destructive to many medical illnesses.
Obviously, this form is addressed primarily to those who suffer and want to get in touch with me, but it is also addressed to the curious and professionals who want to collaborate or have more in depth information.

I am willing to give my advice, collaborate and inform, I ask you just a little patience in waiting for the answer that may not always be instantaneous.