The facts of my career are the best proof that I am one of the leading international experts in the mental health field of anxiety, panic and obsessive-compulsive disorders:

I have vast clinical experience:

  • I have been treating patients with anxiety, panic and obsessive-compulsive disorders in prestigious institutions for over thirty years: for over twenty years at San Raffaele in Milan, where I was head of the Anxiety Disorders Center; for 15 years at Villa San Benedetto Menni in Albese con Cassano (Como) of the Hospital Sisters, as head of the Clinical Neurosciences Department and for the last 4 years as head of the Center for Personalized Medicine for Anxiety and Panic Disorders in Humanitas Sanpio X in Milan and the Humanitas Medical Care network in Northern Italy.
  • For over 30 years I have been treating on average about 150 patients per month.

I am recognized as one of the leading scientific experts in anxiety disorders worldwide:

  • I have published more than 100 scientific articles on anxiety disorders in internationally listed journals (included in the Journal of Citation Index with Impact Factor), demonstrating a genuine interest in research and the scientific method of thinking.
  • In the last 5 years, the American rating agency Expertscale has ranked me among the top 3 worldwide experts in panic disorders, the absolute best in Europe and Italy and among the top experts in anxiety disorders in general.
  • I have taught and still teach at various Italian and foreign universities, dealing with issues related to anxiety disorders. I am a full professor of psychiatry at Humanitas University in Milan, a visiting professor at Maastricht University in the Netherlands and a volunteer professor at the University of Miami in the United States.
  • As an expert in anxiety disorders, I am invited to speak at the most important psychiatric conferences, both nationally (Italian Society of Psychopathology) and internationally (World Congress of Psychiatry).

My clinical work is done in close collaboration with cognitive behavioral psychotherapists, as I believe in an integrated therapy of anxiety disorders:

  • I believe in the importance of cognitive behavioral psychotherapy in the treatment of anxiety and emotional disorders, as I am a full member of the Italian Association for Behavior Analysis and Modification and Behavioral and Behavior Cognitive Therapy (AIAMC), of which I have been a member of the Steering Committee and of which I have chaired the Scientific Committee, and I am currently accredited by the European Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (EABCT).

For the future, I am planning personalized medicine for anxiety, panic and obsessive-compulsive disorders:

  • I am Chair of the Personalized Psychiatry Section of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA) and Editor-in-Chief of the scientific journal "Personalized Medicine in Psychiatry", published by the most important and prestigious international scientific publisher Elsevier.