
Three new publication on international peer reviewed scientific journals with impact factor coauthored by Giampaolo Perna:

Marini S, Vellante F, Matarazzo I, De Berardis D, Serroni N, Gianfelice D, Olivieri L, Di Renzo F, Di Marco A, Fornaro M, Orsolini L, Valchera A, Iasevoli F, Mazza M, Perna G, Martinotti G, Di Giannantonio M. Inflammatory markers and suicidal attempts in depressed patients: A review. International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology, in press (first published on January 4, 2016 as doi: 10.1177/0394632015623793)(IF 2014: 1,6)
Caldirola D, Schruers K, Nardi AE, De Berardis D,  Fornaro M, Perna G. Is there cardiac risk in panic disorder? An updated systematic review. Journal of Affective Disorders, in press.(IF 2014: 3.4)
Fornaro M, De Berardis D, Koshy AS, Perna G, Valchera A, VanCampfort D, Stubbs B. Prevalence and clinical features associated to bipolar disorder polypharmacy: a systematic review. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, in press (IF 2014: 1,7)